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QCM™ white inks are ideal for high opacity, maximum coverage inks, and may be used as stand-alone inks or bases for opaque prints. Choose from XOLB or PERM white inks, depending upon substrate and application.
XOLB inks are designed to create extremely opaque with excellent mat-down characteristics, creating the perfect flat base plate and producing prints with outstanding coverage
PERM-170 is a low-bleed ink formulated to fight bleed and dye migration when printing onto polyester and poly blend substrates
QCM Creamy Glacier White PIB
XOLB-158 (XOL158 / XOLB158) technical data sheet with printing and storage recommendations
QCM XOLB142 Max Production White PIB
XOLB-142 (XOL142 / XOLB142) technical data sheet with printing and storage recommendations
QCM XOLB145 Matte LB White PIB
QCM XOLB145 Matte LB White Product Information Bulletin
QCM PERM170 Perma White Ink PIB
PERM-170 (PER170 / PERM170) technical data sheet with printing and storage recommendations
QCM™ XOLB110 Soft Cotton White PIB
QCM™ XOLB110 Soft Cotton White product information bulletin