Avient Specialty Inks
- Wilflex™
- Rutland™
- Zodiac™
- Union Ink™
- Printop™
- QCM™
- Avient Specialty Inks
- MagnaColours™
- ITO™ Textile Dyes and Chemicals
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8155 Cobb Center Dr
Kennesaw, GA 30152
United States
Telephone: (770) 590 3500
Unity Grove, Knowsley Business Park
Knowsley, Merseyside, L34 9GT
United Kingdom
Telephone: 0151 632 8800
Unit 2, Towngate Business Centre, Everite Road
Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 8PT
United Kingdom
Telephone: 0151 257 2490
Sociedad Química Alemana S.A.
Av. Revolución 842, Zona Industrial
Ventanilla - Callao, Lima - Perú
No. 1 QiHang Industrial Park
HaoXiang Road, Shajing Town, BaoAn District
Shenzhen, China 518104